Reflections on 2019, Hopes for a New Year

Well, I finally sat down to wish you a happy New Year. I hope the year ahead will bring you fantastic health and happiness. 2019 began for me with the sad passing of my eldest brother. He donated his body to science which was typical of how he lived his life helping others. We had many happy times throughout the year like the milestone of my granddaughter Ella heading off to big school, and my grandson Charlie saying his first words and in October myself and hubby celebrated 40 years of marriage.
Now, a new year lies ahead, you wonder what it will bring. One thing I am sure of is I will continue to take care of my health. Nearly 20 years on from my second occurrence of cancer, I feel beyond blessed that I have lived to experience these special moments. The second recurrence of cancer made me take a long hard look at my lifestyle. I realise now I had learned nothing about the disease so I set about taking control of my wellbeing.
Everyone has a threshold, a tipping point and this was mine. When your back is against the wall, intuition kicks in hard, and my intuition was shouting at me to take notice and do something. Although serious illness can push you to your limit, it can be a powerful catalyst for change. Of course, I had a massive incentive to change my lifestyle. Looking back I never made the connection between diet and disease. Adopting a new diet kindled within me a small light of hope. It sparked a real-life change that altered my whole perception of health and led me to a healthy lifestyle that I have managed to maintain for the past twenty years. My life has changed dramatically over those years, little did I know then how it would change all our lives and pull me out of my nightmare. It was a path for self-discovery that shifted my life from that gut-wrenching fear of dying to the joy of living to see my children grow up and the amazing joy of becoming a grandparent.
A few simple changes to my lifestyle gave me back control over my life that seemed to have been stripped away following my experience with illness. One of the most important steps I took at that time was to take responsibility for my health. Yet it is one thing knowing what to do, it's another doing it.
I started teaching about health entirely by accident. It happened when people asked me what I was doing. Over this past 20 years, I have personally mentored thousands of people about health. My work continues with those who are struggling with health challenges and I hope to share with you some of the knowledge and insights I have learned in this recovery to wholeness. A new year is a time when many of us commit to making better choices, my aim is to encourage you to do the same. It’s time to take action and create the health you want.
Much Love and abundant health for 2020
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